Simply Laura Rose

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Why Simplylaurarose Was Specifically Designed for YOU

Everyone loves to plan and dream about vacation, am I right? But how about the bathing suit shopping? It sounds like great fun. You head into the store anticipating finding gorgeous, trendy suits that make you look great. We are ready to conquer the world and no one can touch us! In many cases we all know it doesn’t quite go that way. We get there to find all the ones we came to see are all gone or not in our size. We go to try some on and the fit is not quite the way we imagined in our heads. It’s awkward in all the wrong places or maybe the top is amazing, but the only bottoms to match it are just not going to happen. 

We are left feeling alone in this little cramped room, seeing ourselves in the mirror that is pointing out what we deem is all our flaws. We just want to hide, cover up, and  not tell anyone our insecurities, the areas we are not proud of, and just the mere feeling of not ever going to be just right or enough. So we leave this little room only to enter our day with disappointment, discouragement, and a false negative view of ourselves. We enter the reality of our world, and that experience just may dictate the rest of our day even all the way through our vacation that was the initial dream.

To be honest, I am simply tired of this daily rendition of life. Many times we wake up with the desire and determination to be confident and powerful with our own plan for how we will attack our day. We have everything in place to make sure no one can take control of what we are going to accomplish and become that day. Then it happens. Life happens. The disappointments and frustrations that are flung at you exhaust you. The hurts and pains from people from the past make the ones today sting deep. We then start living through the lens of our inadequacies and obstacles. We create in our head how we believe others perceive us and assume that they have it all together, or at least better than us.. 

We continue to strive in any way we can to make it a better day and not allow it to affect us when in reality it is crushing our insides. We in a sense are in our own little room, disappointed, looking in the mirror at our flaws and the hopeless situation at hand. Our joy and power has been stolen from us, and we are just flat out in a funk. It would take a lot to turn this day around, and we cannot change who we are and all the negative things we see, so why not throw in the towel today?

Our personal structures, mindsets, and routines will never keep the brokenness of the world away. We work too hard concealing what we deem as our failures or short comings. We muster up the courage to get through another day. We all have pain and voids. There is only one source that can fill and empower our lives despite the yuck!

It is a rare friend who you would feel comfortable swim suit shopping with, as it is to find a friend who will step into your heart and mind to know the REAL  you and  all the vulnerable and insecure areas and will love you even more rather than distance themselves. Someone who can speak truth into your raw areas. It is on my heart to be a person like that for you! I am not one to sit back and allow you to agree with what the world says or permit all that is thrown on a daily basis, whether small annoyances or huge tragedies to dictate who you are, the power you have, and the impact you can make that you were purposed to do. I am not one to step on toes or bring any conflict. Actually by nature I am a people pleaser. But no longer will anything keep me from sharing the truths of life, light, and freedom in all ways I can.

We can stay in our little private rooms facing a mirror that debilitates us and lies to us while not willing to face our dreams, realities, our pasts, our hurts, and our skewed perspectives that world has left us with. We can hide all under the rug so that our lives are presumed to be all perfect, not needing help or loving counsel. We can strive to just get through our days being the best “good person” we can be who is tolerant of everything around us so we do not rock any boats. 

That is not what this site is about. This site is about being raw and vulnerable, exposing, loving, feeling, healing, and growing in the only truth that will set you free. It is about the love of a God who is the creator of all things who is more mighty and powerful than anything. He is a God who sacrificed his own son for YOU to be free from all of this. Not only did He do this for you to be free, but to be blessed, thriving, and powerful! ONLY HE HAS DONE THIS FOR YOU and ONLY HE CAN DO THIS IN YOU!

I have decided to build a place of safety and honesty to come and bear everything including weakness, temptations, fears, addictions, and pains. This is a place to be real and sincere in order to receive and heal and find freedom you cannot find in anything else. My desire is to share my heart and hurts with you. I desire to be a true and loyal friend that exposes all my yuck and weaknesses as well as the unexplained power. I desire to serve you the single solitary truth that brings life and allows you to join in on the only force to be reckoned with. I will share with you tactics of this world against you, disciplines to grow spiritual muscles, and how to fight in the battle for your life. 

I will not sugar coat things to make sure  you feel good. I have deep love, compassion, and empathy for all you have and are going through. But I will never trade anything lesser of this world (including feel good perspective that doesn’t align with God’s word) in for the extravagant truth of mercy and grace you have been invited into. Your heart will burn passionately in ways it never has before, first for your Maker, the Lord. Praying you can learn to have love for yourself, the masterpiece He made you to be. Lastly, to learn to love others who are also wonderfully, beautifully made in all their differences and quirks that make us each unique for His purposes .

Together let’s step out out of our little cramped rooms of discouragement and skewed mindsets to expose all of what we deem as imperfections to be redeemed and celebrated in the highest value and extrinsically beautiful identities we can claim RIGHT NOW! We are a force to be reckoned with. We are free right now! Let us learn to live in the freedom we have already been granted! Will you decide to enter into the deepest levels of love and wisdom for the Lord, ourselves, and all others around us? You are invited. You are welcome! Let’s do this!

He takes great delight in you and rejoices over you with singing. You will seek Him and find Him when you seek Him with ALL your heart.

(Zephaniah 3:17, Jeremiah 29:13)  

