Simply Laura Rose

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It’s Too Heavy (Part 2)

It's Too Heavy (Part 2) "The Release"

Let’s take another look at a different version of Psalm 55:22 where He commands us to release our burdens to Him.

“So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.”

Psalms 55:22 TPT

Sit in that a moment. Allow that to hit your heart. The strength we strive for comes only through His grace and Spirit, not ourselves. Our tight grip of control and power over our circumstances only leads to weariness and destruction and costs us everything. We toil in managing our burdens which paralyzes us. This makes us unavailable for His unimaginable opportunities meant just for us. We decide what controls us. You may think you are controlling your circumstances, but they are controlling you. 

The Lord is our one true God. He made us uniquely for our relationship with Him which impacts our relationship with others and creates adventures in partnering with Him. Any thing that takes precedence over our devotion and submission to Him becomes our god. We are subject to what we worship. 


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Authenticity is also forfeited when we try hard to manage and mask the pain and toll of our load. The world convinces us there is more security in the appearance of having it all together and being enough for others, including God. It is more genuine trusting that the cross of Christ makes us righteous, more than enough, and covers all things so that we can live authentic lives free of shame or striving.

Are we looking inward or upward? 

Do we acknowledge and submit to the Holy Spirit or quench Him?

When we focus on our burdens and strive to change things in our control this turns our focus inward and into selfish perspective, unable to be available for the Lord and to love others. When we focus upward we allow God’s perspective to overwhelm our hearts and heal us, making us available for the what the Spirit has for us.

Our surrender to the Lord frees, the touch of the Lord heals.

Two definitions of “salvation” from Merriam Webster dictionary are:

– deliverance from the power and effects of sin

– preservation from destruction and failure / deliverance from danger or difficulty

We are not just crazy, but insane to not accept a free gift of full DELIVERANCE from sin and its effects! It holds strong power over us and comes with grave consequences we cannot deliver ourselves from. I love the reminder of the second definition that salvation is PRESERVING us from destroying our lives and living out the failure we try so hard to avoid.

Will we choose to be weighed down by shame, destruction, fear and danger of sin, or choose the gift of salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ and live completely free of sins consequences?

Why do we hold so tightly to the very things that destroy us?

We are in a battle for our life, but it is actually in our forfeit of self and our submission to the His Lordship that victory is already ours. Do not fall for the deception to grasp back the flesh nature and worldly desires you have been saved from. They will destroy you. Stay aware and stand firm.  Be confident that His love saves you and nothing can take His love away or weaken it. His love is victorious over all things we face. The cross covers all things. It is a privilege to shine by the Spirit in your new nature. There is healing, that is life. 

Release the burdens and be empowered to be “more than conquerors” that He designed us to be. Not only will we conquer (Romans 8:37), but we will be molded into the likeness of our Commander, Christ, and there we can find rest for our souls. (Matthew 11:28-30)

It is not about us. It is about Him. How do we see Him? Living by the truths of who He is we can then release all things.

He is Love. He is all knowing, all powerful, trustworthy, intentional, and the Ultimate Authority over the earth. Our circumstances change. Our God remains the same.

So hand your bags to the one who is willing to freely carry them for you, as He walks beside you. You then can live free of the weight, enjoying and seeing His love clearly and all the things around you. You can then be aware of every step and direction you are taking! Do not miss out on the beauty and opportunity to partner with Him. His presence and provision are where life and freedom are found. 

In our adoration we surrender, and only “by His measureless grace” are we healed. 

Shine in His life, light, and freedom!

He loves. We relinquish. His glorious victory plays out. 

Challenge To Step In:

Set apart time with the Lord.

Read each part from Psalm 55:22 individually.

  1. “Cast your burden on the Lord”

– Ask the Lord to reveal what burdens you need to release to Him.

– Humble yourself and ask for the Lord’s forgiveness and transformation of your heart.

  1. “He will sustain you”

– Ask the Lord in what ways He will sustain you.

– Ask Him to help you trust Him completely with all things.

  1. “He will never permit the righteous to be moved.”

– Stand firm on this promise. Speak it out loud until you believe it!

(remember you already are made righteous by the cross)

– Dream of what your life with God can look like fully believing this.

– Ask God to help you depend on Him to help you live boldly and freely because of this truth! What does that look like for your life?

He takes great delight in you and rejoices over you with singing. You will seek Him and find Him when you seek Him with ALL your heart.(Zephaniah 3:17, Jeremiah 29:13)