Simply Laura Rose

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It’s Too Heavy…

It’s Too Heavy….

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22

I love getting away to a hotel. It can be a beautiful and exciting temporary home, but we have to prepare with many things we need from home which can be a lot.(Especially with kiddos) Pulling up to our destination, we are thrilled to be there but  exhausted. I am the crazy one that likes to load every single bag I can on any body part to make it in one trip to the room, even if that means that I have broken blood vessels on my arm from the weight digging into my skin. 

But there is another way. When you arrive there is typically a bright and welcoming face understanding how tired you are from your journey who is ready to take the entirety of the burden of weight off your hands. This helper has every intent to take care of and bear the load all the way to your destination room so you can venture through this new world able to be aware of your surroundings and present to every detail. 

This sounds much better than carrying all of that unnecessary weight leaving you exhausted and spent before the vacation has even begun. Not to mention the unnecessary moments of frustration with those around you because the weight you are carrying is taking all you have.


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 The relief experienced when you lay down those bags is so great. So why don’t we lay them all down on the cart from the beginning? It would sound insane to toil with all that weight  if someone was walking right beside you insisting to take them from you free of charge, right? On top of all that, it would seem crazy to pick up someone else’s luggage that wasn’t yours or expect your kids to handle a load that was not good for them to carry all on their own.

I challenge you now to look at your own life.

What burden or “lot” have you been given that you are choosing to carry on your own that is marking your life and leaving you exhausted and heavy?

We insist on carrying things not meant for us to carry, which weigh us down; our sins, pains, challenges, anxieties, fears, shame, expectations, striving, and facades.

There is a man who has been walking with us every step of the way since birth. He longs not only to take every baggage and burden off of us, but also to carry it for us while we walk right next to him, entrusting it in His care. He is trustworthy, and it brings Him joy. 

This man is Christ, our Savior! Our Savior from all danger and ruin!

We are all given different circumstances and burdens that impact us daily. The Hebrew word for burden in the verse above (Psalm 55:22) is “yĕhāb” which also translates to “the lot which you are given”. The cards we are each dealt are unique to us but not meant for us to bear on our own. 

We have a relational God. He desires our full dependence on Him which most times comes through our desperate circumstances. It is there we become humbled to know we need Him. It is in that place we learn His love is authentic. He cares about every detail, and He is all powerful to deliver the best for His children. (Romans 8:32)

Surrender displays trust. It is in this place we learn to humbly surrender and mature to desire Him to be our caretaker of all things. We learn more about Him and fall more in love with Him. It is in our forfeit that we gain.

Our God is patiently drawing us into His love. Be free and hand over those crazy burdens we are not designed to carry. Trade it in for an intimacy with Him you have never experienced. Be unleashed into His destiny for us!  

To be continued….. It’s Too Heavy (Part 2)

He takes great delight in you and rejoices over you with singing. You will seek Him and find Him when you seek Him with ALL your heart. (Zephaniah 3:17, Jeremiah 29:13)  
