Simply Laura Rose

heart, wood, logs

5 Ways my heart wants to Help YOU!

My heart is bursting with love for you. I wish I could just plop on your couch and sip on yummy hot chocolate with you while chatting about the hurts of life, the burdens that we are carrying, and the celebrations we have. Friend, you are heard and seen. The depths of your heart are understood. As the body of Christ we are to conquer and overcome together. Although I cannot sit on every couch, my desire is to give encouragement and strength while being completely authentic in my writings and teachings from what I have experienced and learned. I pray I can be a voice of truth in love in hard spaces yet spur you on to live in and experience grace and courageously conquering every obstacle. I want to help you allow yourself to discover the love around you, learn to love better, and most of all to feel REAL love.

You are a priceless, beautiful gift that even with imperfections is being desired and pursued every moment. My heart is overflowing with passion for all I have seen, walked, and gained from it all. From experiencing tragedies, crazy hard, and loss, as we all are, I am spilling over in anticipation to give even an ounce of zeal, encouragement or hope. I have experienced some of the darkness of this world in the ways no one wants to encounter, but through it all I feel incredibly privileged to have been called to these very things to be able to be a voice of inspiration to claim the victory we are invited into.

I never saw myself as adequate for this, but in my overwhelming gratitude and awe for the Lord I cannot keep quiet. With a dear friend’s vision and a deep passion for each of you, I found a way to be in your presence, not literally in person, but “on your couch” and hope to touch your heart. I assure you I am weak. There is no perfection here. The more wisdom I gain, which did not originate from me, the weaker I realize I am. So really, all I am is your very own “Simply Laura Rose.”

My website exists to help YOU experience:

  • My website exists to help you experience LOVE and navigate relationships with others and self, learning to be vulnerable.
  • My website exists to help you achieve STABILITY, SECURITY, and SIGNIFICANCE no matter your life circumstances.
  • My website exists to help you HEAL from pains, brokenness, fears, and insecurities.
  • My website exists to help you claim VICTORY by uncovering and overcoming skewed perspectives and lies with truth.
  • My website exists to help you unleash your RADIANCE and POWER from within and strengthen your influence.

  1. Experience LOVE and navigate relationships with others and self learning to be vulnerable.

The origin of everything is love. We were made to be loved and to love. Even when we resist it from past hurt, we truly need and desire it. How can we learn to be vulnerable to allow others to truly see our whole self while letting down our guard to not protect ourselves from being rejected? We all put up walls naturally to protect ourselves and create an image of ourselves we think others will admire. What if I told you that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness? It can be challenging to allow ourselves to be loved and also to love others. I will open up and share places of my heart I have needed to uncover to discover the only place we all can truly fill our hearts. I desire to challenge our perspectives and encourage all of us to be our authentic selves while standing firm on the truths of who we are.

True vulnerability to share and be raw is rare these days. It is challenging to find voices or resources that allow the yuck to be exposed and the pure light to make it sparkle. You have arrived. We can not truly love or be loved until we let down our walls willing to be vulnerable. I desire for you experience such freedom that you also can be empowered to step into vulnerability!

Let’s discover the sources of true love verses what we are striving so hard for on our own. Let’s turn the voids in our life into unimaginable potential as we are perfected in the love and intimacy we were made for.

  1. Achieve STABILITY, SECURITY, and SIGNIFICANCE no matter your life circumstances.

We all crave stability and being secure in every area of our life. We want to know that we are safe and can rest in total peace. We all spend our lives pursing perfection in all things, creating our own desired outcomes but seeking these things to give us the security we crave which will only lead to disappointment. We all strive to find or attain perfect relationships that will make us feel loved as we should be and safe in commitment. We were made for deep, vulnerable connection that is unbreakable.

Every desire you have was put in you on purpose. I am going to take you on a journey to learning where the only true security and peace comes from. You may know the only source but you have been hurt, disappointed, rejected, betrayed, and have experienced loss that has left you scraping for a sense of stability. You want to be able to trust and rest. How do you do that? How do you have peace when the world steals from you and leaves you feeling alone and hopeless? I want to delve into truths that speak into your value and identity specific to you. I pray you can become empowered and encouraged by the ultimate source of love and truth that will lead you to peace and thriving.

  1. HEAL from pains, brokenness, fears, and insecurities.

This world is brutal, let’s be honest. The disappointments, tragedies, and loses create so much pain that trickles into our lives and can impact many areas of our life. You may now carry fears, insecurities, or prejudices around with you that you did not ask for or never had before. You may think that no one understands or that you are alone in it, but I can assure you you have many others “in it” with you who have gone through it or are going through it as we speak. You are not alone.

Although scraping it under the rug and putting on a happy face seems like the only alternative or the right thing to do, that will only build on the grief that is already there and create more devastation for you and others around you. There is a solution for peace and security. You must be willing to head straight into your pain and walk through it to become even stronger rather than allow it to debilitate you. I desire to not only share heart and experiences, but also to share disciplines and routines to exercise new spiritual, mental, and emotional “muscles”.

  1. Claim VICTORY by uncovering and overcoming skewed perspectives and lies with truth.

In your journey to healing, we will uncover views of yourself and the world you have come to live by as a result of your experiences, good and bad. We all collect opinions and perspectives in an effort to protect ourself from ever feeling hurt again or to recreate a feeling or experience we desire. Sadly enough we end up creating lifestyles we believe to be safe that are actually to our own demise. We tragically end up hurting and limiting ourselves and others in our relationships and opportunities.

It may not seem or feel like it, but we can claim victory right now. When we go to the only source of truth, to the promises that cannot fail, and fall into a love that is forever and unconditional, our hearts will be overwhelmed. Our perspectives will be reshaped, our view of ourselves and others will be clarified, and we will be molded into the person we were made to be. We are victorious! We are untouchable! Together we must strive on victoriously.

  1. Unleash your POWER and RADIANCE from within and strengthen your influence.

While we are all frail and feeble individuals, we have a power source within us that is masterfully radiant. We are all drawn to the brilliance and beauty light brings. We desire to be significant and show stopping ourselves in our own ways. We were meant to be set apart. We are meant to flourish in our identity of who we were made to be. My heart is to draw us back to the origin of who we uniquely are and celebrate it. Lets uncover the lies and weight we are piling on ourselves that is limiting our capacity to love ourselves and thrive.

As we debut our true light from within, we will be overflowing. Life will flow through us and our light will shine on others naturally to feel loved and empowered. Living freely and humbly we can then share freedom with others. Our influence will be strengthened in every area of our lives inherently from our one of a kind identity and claiming our great value. While a great work is being done inside you, great work will be being done through you. I am excited to dive into the one source that can illuminate our being and unleash our radiance and purpose.

Wrapping it Up

You are loved. I just love you to pieces already, and I can truly mean that. You are a precious friend who I am sure has some pains and hardship as well as fears and insecurities that just keep tormenting you in life. I am here to humbly say I am so weak and have many things that continue to eat away at me to keep my light from shining. But through our weakness we can be stronger than ever. My passion is that through my works you can find a place you can relate to, to feel understood or normal, and learn to find comfort from a relatable Savior. I want to share the love and heal from the yuck. We are meant to together overcome and impact from a place of peace and security. It all begins with love. I so badly wish I could be on every couch to have a heart to heart and share all the things that have pruned, molded, and impacted my life that I would not trade. So this website is a way for me to empower you to enter into that loving presence right from your couch in your comfies..

He takes great delight in you and rejoices over you with singing. You will seek Him and find Him when you seek Him with ALL your heart.(Zephaniah 3:17, Jeremiah 29:13)  
